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ACT Government

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Career Prospects at ACT Government

7.8 rating for Career Prospects, based on 26 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
Having entered as a graduate I feel now it is impossible to jump levels in promotion to suit what you bring to the ACTPS. I changed careers through a second degree later in life and the only way into the field is through a graduate program, yet I am stereotyped to be a person who just left university and has no clue about anything. I see this with other graduates also. Some bring a wealth of prior knowledge and experience (including being a supervisor/manager) from both life and previous careers, and yet are treated poorly and given mundane unrelated work. It is low in capacity and low in quantity. It devalues the worker. I feel there needs to be an understanding of the graduate before they are placed in a rotation, or even at a level 4 admin. One supervisor refused to give work unless it was level 4 work, another supervisor said you can work at a SOGC level but won't be paid for it, and another just gave both and never said anything. People have suggested to only apply for AO6 roles, because you haven't been in government long enough. Promotion seems opportunistic and based on who you know, what you know and how well you can conform to the cultural mindset of that directorate.
Graduate, Canberra - 06 Nov 2023
No comments, as I am still in a grad position.
Graduate, Canberra - 31 Oct 2023
Have some internal opportunities.
Graduate, Canberra - 31 Oct 2023
Promotion opportunities look to be good, and regular. Moving up the ranks seems like a straight forward process.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
From what I have been told by colleagues, there are plenty of opportunities that present themselves to receive a promotion. However, in a lot of areas, in order to get promoted, you will have to move to a different area/team in order to move up.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
They really encourage secondments / learning opportunities, leading projects / having ownership over tasks, and applying for promotions (providing resource for interviews and writing applications), women's mentorship program etc.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
I can't really speak to this yet. But I feel equipped to. I don't know my prospects or how easy it is to but I will be sure to have the conversation.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Oct 2023
Given that I am in a role, in a directorate, that is very different to what I was qualified for along with having a very different skill set and different ideas about where I would like my career to go, I am very unhappy with the role I have been placed in. Environmental roles advertised should also be under the policy and cabinet, which is where most of the environmental roles in EPSDD are currently classified under. Infrastructure should mostly be classified under engineering. Those with an environmental background do not have engineering skills and knowledge to perform the roles they were given, including myself.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Oct 2023
After I finished my third rotation, I will be promoted to level 5 in my home directorate.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
For my home rotation I believe putting the work in will lead to promotion opportunities. It will be crazy working in Budget, then working for Pre-Election Budgeting.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
Haven't been in that process, maybe later.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
As a graduate it a great place to be. In future, there is great opportunity to rise, given the right trainings and professional supports.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
The ACT PS is flat and it's very easy to move around, meaning you are never truly locked into a role.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
I believe in some instances that delivering high quality work and presenting as a thoughtful and analytical person is enough to see you rise. However, there have been experiences of colleagues where the reason they didn't get the promotion is because the panel deciding hadn't made themselves aware of that person and given the promotion to someone within their own team. So, does that mean it's the luck of the draw with who is on the panel? Why is there a panel drawn up where they are judging people from their own branch and another branch? Is there not some responsibility of the panel to look over the merits of all candidates?
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
There are constantly opportunities to move around or take temporary positions. You are guaranteed an ASO5 position at the end of the grad year, but if you have good experience you can apply for ASO6 (or higher) positions almost immediately.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023